Saturday, September 29, 2018

Howdy everyone! It's hard to believe we're already saying "Goodbye" to September and "Hello" to October! As we begin a couple new units and a new month, here are some things to know:

Apps Form
There is a form that needs your signature.  It has a list of apps that we may use in school.  I need written approval from you in order for your student to use these apps.  Please send the signed form in as soon as possible.

Technology club for 2nd and 3rd is going to begin on October 4. Below is the form you can apply with.

Please note we will not have school next Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 8 & 9. We will have parent conferences on the 9th all day. I sent a SignUp Genius out for you to sign up at a time that will hopefully work for you. If you experience any difficulties with scheduling or with finding this sign up form, please email me and I will assist you.

As far as the past couple of weeks go, we've had a busy time learning and reviewing so much information!!! :)

In Reading, we've explored how to explore, analyze, and tackle reading passages by using strategies and skills that help us not only enjoy the reading, but also pay attention to important information that  helps us find evidence for our answers. We use RULES while reading passages. (Read the title and questions. Underline key words and phrases in the questions. Read the passage and Look for important information and answers. Eliminate wrong answers. Select right answers and Show evidence.)  We've practiced writing summaries, recognizing that parts of a well-written story, and looked closely at the order of events in a story and how that order effects the story's direction. This week we discovered how authors use figurative language such as similes and metaphors to make their writing more interesting and expressive for us, the readers, to enjoy. We also practiced using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown or unfamiliar words in our texts. This is an important skill and will take constant practice. This is a skill we use every day!

In Writing, we started to write some about moments in our lives. We're still practicing writing complete sentences with capitals, subjects, predicates, and end marks. I encourage you to write from time to time with your kiddos and help them stay accountable for writing complete sentences. We've explored parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and synonyms and antonyms. The new spelling list features homophones which will prove challenging, but we can determine which homophone to use and spell by using our context clues. :) We will also start reading and writing poetry in the next couple of weeks which will allow the students to really play around with language and discover the power of words in their reading and writing.

In Math, we have practiced rounding and estimating in addition and subtraction problems. We will continue practicing our addition and subtraction facts and will especially practice regrouping when adding and subtracting larger 2 digit and 3 digit numbers. We've started analyzing and solving one and two step word problems. We've also revisited strip diagrams to help make math more visual. We're practicing the important step of recognizing words that help us know if we are adding or subtracting in a word problem by incorporating the C.U.B.E.S. strategy. In the next couple of weeks, we will begin to explore multiplication and see where that skill can take us!

In Social Studies, we've discovered the power of rights, responsibilities, freedom of speech, and how we can stand up for our beliefs and convictions without violence. We also began learning about people whose actions influenced our nations history such as men at Greensboro, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Helen Keller.

In Science, we've observed changes in matter and how heat and cooling energy affect those changes. We've also learned that mixtures are a combination of two or more objects that can be separated. The students used tools such as sieves, tweezers and tongs, their hands, magnets, and hot pads to separate mixtures. In this coming unit, they will explore types of energy such as mechanical, thermal, sound and light energy.

So much to enjoy! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

UIL Information :)

We are excited to announce that Forest Creek Elementary will be participating in the UIL (University Interscholastic League) Competition again this year! The events that our school is participating this year are: Creative Writing - grade 2, Oral Reading - grades 4 & 5, Spelling - grades 3, 4, & 5, Ready Writing - grades 3, 4, & 5, Number Sense - grades 4 & 5, and Storytelling - grades 2 & 3. Practices will be once a week and the Division Meet is Saturday January 26, 2019. Please click on the form for signup and more information. UIL Sign Up Form

Saturday, September 15, 2018

What a Great Week!

   We minions are really embracing our learning space and are working together to learn more about fiction texts, characters, problem-solving, parts of speech, and socializing skills, and changes in states of matter. We're also practicing our focusing skills to makes sure we're paying attention and speaking to ourselves with positive, focused language.

   I want to encourage parents check students' agendas daily. These spirals contain homework assignments, important dates and instill responsibility in keeping up with daily tasks. Please also check that your students practice their spelling and challenge themselves with our math and reading activities in their homework packets. This practice, even just for a few minutes each night, helps create memory and thinking paths in the kids' brains that encourage deeper thinking and stronger memory. I'm looking forward to having your kids next week as we continue to explore rounding numbers, connective reading skills, using parts of speech effectively in writing, and changes in states of matter.

   We are also practicing conflict resolution strategies and how to speak kindly and respectfully with others. As you have a chance, please speak with your children about showing kindness even in the face of adversity.  Doing so will prep their minds for some of our conversations. Thank you!

Growth Mindset Poster

Monday, September 3, 2018

Hello All!
I hope you've had a blessed, long weekend. Here are a couple of announcements:

As of this past Friday, our class has earned 300 sticks for safe, respectful, and responsible actions!!! Please take time to celebrate a little with your child. :) They've earned having a PJ day. Seeing as we've had a long weekend and a note did not go out, we will celebrate our hard work on Wednesday! Your child is welcome to wear appropriate sleep wear, but I encourage wearing safe shoes. Please continue to encourage your child to find ways to live safely, respectfully and responsibly to keep our class wonderful and to reach our new goal of 600 points. :)

Here are some dates to look forward to:
9/3 - Labor school
9/4 - Awarded PJ Day : )
9/3 - Grandparent's Day

Culture Project Questions and Check Point Dates :D

Family Traditions/History Questions -   Due Friday, May 3rd. Think about what makes your family special as you answer the questions belo...