Monday, August 13, 2018

I'm enjoying the opportunity to get to know your students. These kiddos love sharing ideas and stories. Here are some things we're reviewing and learning right now:

Math - We're learning how to collect and analyze data using frequency tables, pictographs, bar graphs, and dot plots. We've interviewed each other to create graphs about favorite animals and treats. We've created pictographs with keys and payed close attention to the value represented by each image. We're comparing data as well as using our addition and subtraction skills to better understand what each graph represents. We're also practicing addition, subtraction, reading money, and understanding place values any chance we get. So any extra practice helps!

Social Emotional Learning - We share daily about what we expect in ourselves, others, and in our school community while living safely, respectfully, and responsibly. We've shared what living in as a family of learners looks like and plan to hold each other accountable and to encourage one another.

Reading/Social Studies - While it's true we're still learning how to read a little bit, we are really experiencing what reading to learn is about. This week we've explored the story elements of fiction narratives: each story has characters, settings, conflicts, events in order, and resolutions. We're also analyzing characters and how they develop, change, and drive the stories. In the midst of these stories, we've learned about our role in our communities as caring and responsible citizens. We understand why schools, families, and societies have rules and expectations set out for us to follow. To tie in some math and social studies skills, we're learning how to vote and why making our voices heard builds our communities and nation.

Writing - Along with reading, we understand that writing often follows an order of ideas. We can write about ANYTHING! Right now we're focusing on small moments in our lives that we can tell stories about. We're also reviewing and practicing writing complete sentences with a capital letter, subject, predicate, and end mark. We will practice throughout the rest of the year. Synonyms and antonyms also enter our writing world as we will one day work our way to the revising and editing phases of writing and consider wording we could use to empower our stories.

Science - We are learning why matter matters. We investigate the properties of matter through a series of experiments. For the next few days, we will consider the mass of solid and liquid objects as we work hard to create a foil bowl that will hold 40 pennies without sinking.

Culture Project Questions and Check Point Dates :D

Family Traditions/History Questions -   Due Friday, May 3rd. Think about what makes your family special as you answer the questions belo...